2012 fall review

WILLIAMS—Fall in the City of Williams is not over, but much of the leaves are gone. This season brings special events to the city.

The Polar Express started on the first and runs through January 31st. The Williams Parade of Lights and Christmas tree lighting happens on November 24th at 7 p.m.

Fall in Williams

Right now, however, there are still some fall beauty left on the trails and out South Road around Williams.

You might still catch some great photos of the Kaibab aspens on the trails and out South road.

Deer still hang around Cataract lake on the road to the Elephant Rocks Golf course.

Eagles and other fowl still enjoy the lakes while waiting on winter.

Colorful oaks and other foliage can still be found on the trails and in the forest.

Insects take in the last of summer before retiring for winter.

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