Mystery flight MH370 wins over Benghazi at CNN 239 to 4

Opinion by Glen Davis

Photo from Business Insider

Photo from Business Insider

Jeff Zucker is moving from MSNBC to head this nation’s last bastion of television journalism—AKA, CNN. The new head at CNN will not be shamed, however, into covering what the fine folks at Media Matters calls “the Benghazi hoax.” The answers, according to them, can be found in a report by an “independent” investigation convened by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (PDF).

The Washington Post agrees.

Select committees make for good theater and often uncover important facts. But in the national security arena, the independent commissions that have probed the most shocking security lapses — including the 2001 attacks and several devastating bombings of U.S. embassies — have a better record of conducting impartial investigations and bringing about landmark reforms.

The report does not mention a YouTube video that had about ten hits prior to being linked as the cause of the 911 attack in Benghazi.

According to Media Matters, Zucker politely responded to New York Times television reporter Bill Carter concerning the FOX driven Benghazi hearings:

“We’re not going to be shamed into it by others who have political beliefs that want to try to have temper tantrums to shame other news organizations into covering something. If it’s of real news value, we’ll cover it.”

New York News & Politics reported that Zucker was comfortable with the coverage of missing Malaysian flight MH370.

“I believed early on, right from the start, that it was an enormously important story: an American-made Boeing jet liner, with Rolls Royce engines with 239 people, disappears into thin air … That’s why we devoted the resources that we did to it.”

mh370-mystery-book_0CNN will have sixteen more weeks of coverage on MH370 since a new book reveals that MH370 was “accidentally shot down” by a U.S.-Thai strike force conducting military training in that area—shades of TWA Flight 800. (Spoiler alert. Too late.) Nigel Cawthorne is apparently a British writer of fiction and non-fiction known for his Prisoner of War series and sex lives of everybody.

As for climate change, aka global warming, aka weather?

“Climate change is one of those stories that deserves more attention, that we all talk about, but we haven’t figured out how to engage the audience in that story in a meaningful way,” Zucker said. “When we do do those stories, there does tend to be a tremendous amount of lack of interest on the audience’s part.”

On might consider releasing reports from both sides of the issue without media twists calling for carbon taxes.

To be fair to CNN, the blogosphere had its own coverage of mystery flight MH370.

CNN broke the story of the VA debacle in Phoenix and reporter Anderson Cooper has devoted amazing coverage to the story.

From what I have read about Jeff Zucker, he may actually shake things up at CNN. His reign might be interesting to observe. I just like to poke fun at CNN because the left goes after FOX. Quite frankly, Bill O’Reilly makes me ill so I do not watch much of either. I generally watch local news from Phoenix and FOX 10 is about a “progressive” as they come. I generally watch for news stories that I find interesting and then look for news articles covering both angles.

This article is not directed at CNN in particular, but the whole “progressive” media which chooses to try to create an illusion of the unimportance of the Benghazi hearings.

The importance of coverage to the 239 families of flight MH370 cannot be understated. Closure is important. Isn’t closure for the four families of those killed in Benghazi over a video just as important? Isn’t closure for the family of Brian Terry killed by a program Attorney General Eric Holder knew nothing about just as important?

After all, if you have nothing to hide, why are you evoking executive privilege?