Walmart receipt scam may be a hoax

10488232_10201272146525278_5503251707837464755_nWalmart receipts, such as the one shown here, are appearing on Facebook with a scam warning. The recent one I saw indicated that it was a personal experience.

The basic scam claim is that the person checked the receipt after the cashier rang up and found $40 cash back on the receipt. The cashier claimed they could not take it off and offered up the $40. The supervisor called to the scene claimed the same thing and ordered the cashier to cancel the whole order and start again. The person claimed there was $20 cash back on this receipt, but it was corrected the third time.

Hoax web sites across the Internet universally agree that this is probably a false scam claim. Walmart has been attacked by several organizations and this could be another attack.

This, however, does not mean that you should let your guard down this holiday season. You should check the receipt for any irregularities and challenge them immediately. Look for double-charges and any extra charges. Most likely you will find only honest human errors.

You should access your account regularly to see if any charges are added to your credit card that you did not make. Report them immediately to your credit card issuer.

If something like this scam were to occur, Walmart or any other retailer would likely fire the person caught, at the very least.