Setting out water and food attracts more than you think

WILLIAMS – In the area around Williams people have water out for animals. Some put out water for their stock and pets and some for wildlife. This week, one local resident got a surprise.

The resident set water out for deer and elk. Wednesday of last week he came to his home about three miles south on Perkinsville road to discover drag marks across his driveway. A deer carcass was dragged into and laying in the grass alongside the driveway.He set up his trail camera. He caught this image of what killed the deer in the first place.


The deer was apparently attracted to the water and the lion attacked from behind a large pine. When the resident came home, he apparently scared the lion away. The lion returned to finish his meal in the night. Fortunately this lion still retained a healthy fear of humans.

AZGF warns against setting food and water out for animals. Some people have enough acreage to put out water for wildlife a fairly safe distance from their home. Some with livestock have to leave water out for their animals. With the recent drought conditions, however, that also attracts predators.

If you do or must leave water out, take care when you step outside to take in the cool night air. Scan the area carefully. Remember that your cats and small dogs make meals for these predators. Feed your animals inside and do not leave food out for them in town.