Daylight Savings time begins Sunday

famous-daylight-savings-time-quotes-and-sayings-2PHOENIX — Daylight savings time will begin tomorrow. Across the country clocks will “spring ahead” one hour.

Except in Arizona.

For years, Arizona has enjoyed the luxury of not having to reset their clocks. They may, however, have to reset the recording times on their VCR (if you know what those are) to ensure they can capture the latest Lady Gaga performance.

300-Native-AmericanThis distressing situation may change, however, if Republican Phil Lovas has his way.
Arizona legislature Phil Lovas (R-22) has introduced HB 2014 to make Arizona compliant with daylight savings time. He is joined by John Allen (R-15) and Paul Boyer (R-20).

HB 2014 would amend Section 1-242 of the Arizona Revised Statute to make Arizona residents change their clocks with the rest of the nation. The bill even deletes section D. of the current statute which reads:

The rejection of daylight saving time as provided for in this section may be changed by future legislative action.

Presumably this is intended to ensure that no one has to change their recording times so that they can always and forever catch the latest escapades of the Kardashians.

Fortunately there appears to have been no movement on this bill of Kawliforna influence.