Life springing up in Williams

Duck population increases

Duck population increases

WILLIAMS – Despite the dire water situation in Williams, the duck population is increasing in Williams. Here seven ducklings follow mommy through the low water of Santa Fe reservoir.


The only notable weather in the forecast is two more days of high winds. Monday winds are expected to rise in the afternoon 29 to 34 mph with gusts of 50 mph continuing throughout the night. On Tuesday the southwest wind will start at 17 to 22 mph rising to 21 to 31 mph with gusts up to 47 continuing through Tuesday night. The high winds are expected to cease Wednesday and running through the rest of the forecast. No rain is included in the immediate forecast.


It appears that for the immediate future, Williams will have to maintain its plant life with grey water.

Third annual Spring Celebration in Williams

WILLIAMS—The 70-degree temperature and breezy conditions made it a perfect day for the third annual Spring Celebration and kite-fly at Cureton Park. Free food, popcorn, cotton candy and kites were available for the celebration. There was the customary bounce-house for the kids and musical entertainment.

People enjoy the kite-flying fun at Cureton Park.

People enjoy the kite-flying fun at Cureton Park.

Others enjoyed the challenge.

Others enjoyed the challenge.

Free food and kites, a bounce house and good weather were features of the Spring Celebration.

Free food and kites, a bounce house and good weather were features of the Spring Celebration.
